• February 9, 2025

Fly Casting Tuition

Welcome to the B. G. A. Tuition page.

As with all sports, hobby’s and pass times, those taking part will find themselves at different levels of competency as they advance through their chosen subject; Fly casting is no different. Here at B. G. A. your instructor is trained to the highest level, so that identification of faults, (holding you back) can be made quickly, thus enabling you to identify and rectify many of the issues you often encounter for a much more enjoyable days fishing.

Those of you who are new to fly casting will simply want to familiarise yourself with the basic mechanics of casting, what outfit to buy at the outset and how to identify a balanced outfit to get you started, this does not have to be an expensive affair.

There will then be the more advanced fly caster and fly fisher, who may simply have a few minor issues with their casting that can easily be rectified, as they will already have a reasonable understanding of casting mechanics. This angler may already be happy with their casting technique, but wishes to address some of the more advanced casts available to learn. These casts are not only an additional string to your bow, but will also improve your chances of catching more fish, as they allow for the avoidance of obstacles, and securing a drag free drift, amongst other things. There are a variety of casts that fall into this category, for both double handed and single handed rods, whichever you prefer. See the following link for further information relating to these cats: Additional Casts.

Finally there will also be the angler who is interested in taking the instructor route and therefore seeking mentoring in preparation for assessment and ultimately gaining a recognised qualification. See the Mentoring page for further information. Mentoring.

Lessons are available for both individuals and small groups, covering the many casting techniques required for differing situations, essential for River, Stillwater and Saltwater scenario’s. See More

All tuition and fishing sessions will take place on private beats of the River Eden, unless you prefer to use a venue other than this that you have permission to use.