About Me
Meet Your Instructor.

Why Choose Border Game Angling?
Hi, my name is Clive Mitchelhill and I am a fully qualified, full time, Game Angling Instructor living in Cumbria. I am an active member of the Association of Advanced Professional Game Angling Instructors, (AAPGAI) and consider it an honour to be part of their assessment team for both Single and Double Handed casting disciplines, at all levels. I also hold all of the Fly Fishers International (FFI) casting qualifications in all categories.
I am fully licensed, insured, DBS checked, (Disclosure & Barring Service) and trained in both child awareness and first aid.
I offer a wide range of fly casting and fly fishing tuition services in and around Cumbria and the Lake district, predominantly on the beautiful River Eden. I specialize in all casting techniques, including the very popular Spey Casting styles, a series of casts that are essential learning for the river angler, with both Double Handed Salmon rods and single handed Trout rods, which will open up a whole range of fishing opportunities that may never have occurred to you,
I also cater for the Stillwater angler, and cover a variety of casts, including the Double Haul technique, which allows you to cast greater distances to those fish that are always just out of reach.

My aim is to provide a professional, enjoyable and informative service for all, so just give me a call or drop me an email to let me know what your personal requirements are.
You may wish to learn how to Spey Cast or simply improve your existing skills, or it may be that you wish to cast further, but still maintain a good presentation, in which case the Double Haul would be the cast for you.
Feel free to browse my website, as I have tried to include something for everyone. So “Tight Lines” to one and all, and let me take this opportunity to wish you every success in your fishing pursuits.
List of Qualifications
- AAPGAI Masters Certificate (Trout & Salmon)
- FFI Masters Certificate (Trout & Salmon)
- S&TA National Instructors Certificate
- Instructor/Coach Licensed
- Child Awareness Training
- First Aid Trained
- L20 Qualified Assessor